New Jersey Foreclosure Laws

New Jersey Foreclosure Laws

Foreclosure Process Overview

New Jersey foreclosures are administered through the court system. The foreclosure process takes about nine months.

Judicial Non Judicial Comment Process Period Publish Sale Redemption Period Sale/NTS
Judicial only 270 days N/A 10 days Sheriff

Pre-foreclosure Period

At least 30 days before starting the foreclosure process, the lender mails a letter to the borrower warning of the impending foreclosure. During this pre-foreclosure period, the borrower can prevent the foreclosure by paying off the amount in default.

The lender initiates the foreclosure through the courts and records a lis pendens (notice of pending lawsuit) with the county clerk. The lender can sue for either the default payments or the entire unpaid principal balance on the loan. The borrower is notified of the foreclosure action in person or by publication if necessary. After being notified, the borrower has at least 35 days to respond or the court will make a ruling. If the court rules against the borrower, a sale date will be scheduled.

Notice of Sale / Auction

Notice of sale must be posted on the property as well as in the county office where the property is located. In addition, the notice of sale must be published in two local newspapers. One of these publications must be in either the largest municipality in the county or the county seat.

Notice must be given to the property owner at least 10 days prior to the scheduled sale.

Foreclosure sales are conducted as public auctions, overseen by the sheriff or another officer of the county. The property is awarded to the highest bidder, and the sheriff must transfer ownership to the purchaser within 10 days following the sale. The court also confirms the sale. The borrower has redemption rights during the 10 days following the sale, when any objections are considered by the court.

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